Package References

Base class

class nz_stream_depletion.SD

Input aquifer parameters

SD.load_aquifer_data(sep_distance: int, pump_aq_trans: int, pump_aq_s: float, upper_aq_trans: Optional[int] = None, upper_aq_s: Optional[float] = None, lower_aq_trans: Optional[int] = None, lower_aq_s: Optional[float] = None, aqt_k: Optional[int] = None, aqt_thick: Optional[int] = None, aqt_s: Optional[float] = None, stream_k: Optional[int] = None, stream_thick: Optional[int] = None, stream_width: Optional[int] = None)

This method is where the physical properties of the aquifer(s) and the stream are assigned and processed. The minimum required data includes the sep_distance, pump_aq_trans, and the pump_aq_s. It will determine which stream depletion methods are available based on the input data.

  • sep_distance (int) – The separation distance from the pumped well to the stream.

  • pump_aq_trans (int) – The pumped (confined) aquifer transmissivity (m2/day).

  • pump_aq_s (float) – The storage coefficient of the pumped aquifer.

  • upper_aq_trans (int) – The surficial aquifer transmissivity (m2/day).

  • upper_aq_s (float) – The storage coefficient of the surficial aquifer.

  • lower_aq_trans (int) – The confined aquifer transmissivity (m2/day).

  • lower_aq_s (float) – The storage coefficient (specific storage) of the confined aquifer.

  • aqt_k (int) – The aquitard hydraulic conductivity (m/day).

  • aqt_s (float) – The aquitard storage coefficient.

  • aqt_thick (int) – The aquitard vertical thickness (m).

  • stream_k (int) – Streambed hydraulic conductivity (m/day).

  • stream_thick (int) – The streambed vertical thickness (m).

  • stream_width (int) – The streambed width (m).


of available methods based on the input data

Return type


stream depletion calcs

SD.calc_sd_ratio(n_days: int, method: Optional[str] = None)

Calculate the stream depletion ratio for a specific number of pumping days for a specific method. If no method is provided, it will choose the highest ranking method based on the available methods.

  • n_days (int) – The number of pumping days.

  • method (str or None) – The stream depletion method to use. It must be one of the available methods based on the input data. None will select the highest ranking method based on the available methods.


Return type


SD.calc_sd_ratios(n_days: int, method: Optional[str] = None)

Calculate the stream depletion ratios for all pumping days up to the n_days for a specific method. If no method is provided, it will choose the highest ranking method based on the available methods.

  • n_days (int) – The number of pumping days.

  • method (str or None) – The stream depletion method to use. It must be one of the available methods based on the input data. None will select the highest ranking method based on the available methods.


Return type


SD.calc_sd_extraction(extraction: pandas.core.series.Series, method: Optional[str] = None)

Calculate the stream depleting extraction for all days in the extraction time series for a specific method. If no method is provided, it will choose the highest ranking method based on the available methods.

  • extraction (pd.Series) – The extraction time series. It must contain a pd.DatetimeIndex. If the series is irregular, it will make it regular and pad the missing times with zero. Currently, only daily data is allowed as input.

  • method (str or None) – The stream depletion method to use. It must be one of the available methods based on the input data. None will select the highest ranking method based on the available methods.


Return type


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